About Us


The Society was founded and formally inaugurated on 13th December, 1978 at Jhansi during the Seminar on “Management of Forests and Pastures” with the objective to foster the cause of Rangelands in the country



The Society shall be called “The Range Management Society of India”.


The objective of the society shall be to promote the cause of Rangelands in India through national committees and commissions which may be set up for the purpose from time to time.

 The society shall attempt to achieve this purpose by:-

  1. Publishing the Indian Journal of “Range Management” presently revised as “Range Management and Agroforestry”, proceedings and such other publications as may be found desirable.
  2. Organizing meetings, excursions, symposia and seminars on national level.
  3. Organizing training courses in Rangelands.
  4. Securing and managing funds and endowments for the promotion of Rangelands in the country.
  5. All other acts that may be necessary for the fulfillment of the objects of the Society.


  1. Persons of all Nations interested in the study of Rangelands shall be eligible for membership.
  2. Members shall be admitted to the Society after being nominated by any two Ordinary Members and elected either by a unanimous vote of the Executive Council of the society or by a simple majority of the members present at General Meeting. The membership will become effective only after receipt of the admission fee and the first annual subscription. 6. The eligibility for membership should be more open which should include forages, forage workers, users, and stakeholders.
  3. Membership should be one time.
  4. Membership should be for all the authors for publication of research paper in the journal.


 The members shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:

  1. To be present and vote at all General Meetings.
  2. To propose and recommend new members.
  3. To introduce visitors at the General Meetings.
  4. To receive gratis copies of the journal.
  5. To hold any office of the Society on being duly elected thereto.
  6. To offer papers and communications to be read before the meetings of the Society and/or to be published in ‘Indian Journal of Range Management’.
  7. To become Life-Member of the Society upon payment of twelve years subscription within two calendar years. Ordinary members may become lifemembers by paying the difference between the Life-Membership Fee and 50% of the total annual subscription paid up to a maximum period of eight years.

Members of ten years standing shall be deemed as Fellows of the Society and shall be entitled to use the abbreviation “FIRM” after their name.


A member may withdraw from the Society by signifying his/her wish through a letter addressed to the Secretary. The Society shall, however, not be liable to return any subscription that may have been paid by the member concerned.


  1. Members shall pay an Admission Fee of Rs. 10/= (India), or $ 3.0 (USA), or Shillings 30 (British). The Annual subscription shall be Rs. 15/= (India) for members and Rs. 40/= for the Institutions to be received by the Treasurer of the Society in the beginning of each calendar years, in advance.
  2. The subscription rates would be as given below: (i) Individual- Annual- Rs.500/-( India); US$-100 ( Foreign) Life- Rs.5000/-( India); US$-1000 ( Foreign) (ii) Student- Annual- Rs.200/-( India) (iii) Library & Institutions-Rs.2000/-( India), US$-350 ( Foreign) (iv) Corporate life membership-Rs. 15000/-


The Headquarters of the Society shall be located in India.

The administration of the society shall be conducted by an Executive Committee. An Editorial Board shall be responsible for all publications. Members of all administrative bodies shall hold office for three years.

A. The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be constituted of:-

  1. President: Director, IGFRI, Jhansi would be Ex-Officio President
    1. Co-Presidents / or Vice President-3, One from each discipline
    1. Treasurer
    1. Secretary
    1. Associate / or Joint Secretary
    1. Six Members (Councilors for different zones-five and one from Jhansi HQ)
    1. Chief Editor
  1. The President shall preside, if present, at all General Meetings of the Society. If president is not available, he would nominate one person among Vice- President to act as President in his place.
  2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintenance of accounts of the Society and shall present the budget estimates and report the annual statement of accounts of the Society (including a statement of assets and liabilities. The approval of the budget estimates shall mean sanction of payments proposed in the budget.
  3. 19. The Secretary shall perform the duties usually devolving upon that office.
  4. 20. The Joint Secretary shall perform all such functions as are assigned to him by the Executive Committee, the President or the Secretary.
  5. 21. The time, venue and agenda for General Meetings shall be decided by the Executive Council.

B. The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board shall consist of:-

  1.  Four members elected / nominated by the Executive Council
  2. The Treasurer (Ex-Officio)
  3. The Secretary (Ex-Officio)
  4. Chief Editor and Business Manager are to be nominated by the Editorial Board.


For getting financial assistance for attending Seminar/symposium from RMSI, the ceiling of five years membership is essential and once in life time.


  1. Members of good standing alone can participate in elections. The voting right would be to life members only.
  2. The following procedure shall be adopted for all elections to office.
  3. The Secretary/Associate Secretary shall prepare a list of members of the society to be circulated in August in the year of election and invite from members of good standing, entitled to vote, nominations for each office falling vacant, to be received in October. The Executive Committee shall also nominate one member for each office falling vacant. For this the Secretary shall invite the members of the Executive Committee to propose names for each office falling vacant to be received in September. The names so proposed by the Executive Committee members shall be circulated to them for voting and those obtaining the largest number of votes shall be considered as nominees of the Executive Committee. The voting papers from the members of the Executive Committee shall be received in October. A list of names proposed by the members together with the nominations of the Committee shall be circulated to all members in November of the concerned election years.
  4. All voting shall be by secret ballot on forms supplied by the Secretary and returned, in special envelop provided for the purpose. 4
  5. The voting papers shall be scrutinized by the Returning Officer / members nominated by the Executive Committee in December so that the result may be declared at the beginning of the year.
  6. A majority shall elect. The ballots shall be decided by lot. All retiring office-bearers shall be eligible for re-election.
  7. The first Co-President or Vice-President of the Society shall be nominated by the President, who shall then nominate a Secretary and hold elections for office bearers.
  8. Any casual vacancy in the offices shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the residual period of the term.


The above Rules may be amended at any General Meeting by a three-fourths’ majority of the members present. Amendments should be proposed by any members and must reach the Secretary in time for circulation to all members of the Society at least one month before the Meeting